Carl Lamoon

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Hi all, I'm Carl, formerly @redbecause on Instagram, but now @s3ohhyh. @redbecause was built for speed and power with the looks to back her up. She is a 343bhp Fiesta Mk7.5 ST with full DeltaStyling package; the bumper and splitters really set the car off.

Having built a beautiful Fiesta that I have now let go to a new home (this will probably haunt me for some years) I am now working on what my plans are for the future car. 

Growing up I'd always dreamed of owning an Escort Cosworth and dreamed big however that changed and I just ran away with the Focus and Fiesta ST's.

Whilst owning @redbecause the Delta products I had installed really changed the feel and gave it a much more aggressive look. It made the car feel nailed to the ground.

I loved every change I made to the Fiesta; finding new mods etc, but the moment the bumper was changed to the Delta one was the crowning moment for me.

Modifying cars is exciting and challenging at the same time. Keeping up with everyday struggles when all I wanted to do was mod the cars can be tough, but both the focus and fiesta were perfect to me.

If I look at both cars together and what I liked most then for the Focus, the sound of the exhaust was incredible and the Fiesta, the total aggressive look and power.

I want to shout out Jane and Simon for the awesome products and family feel they give at #teamdelta. Just because I'm not currently in a Ford does not mean I'm done! I've some massive ideas with my new project..... wife permitting/allowing..... and look forward to these with Delta.